Brno Metropolitan Area

The Brno Metropolitan Area is an organic functional unit comprising of the city of Brno and its natural hinterland. This territory is defined on the basis of intensive daily relations (commuting and accessibility). Seven metropolitan areas (or agglomerations) have been outlined in the Czech Republic for the purposes of the Integrated Territorial Investment tool.

The Brno Metropolitan Area is a typical example of a monocentric metropolitan area – this area has a single-core, which is the city of Brno – the strongest centre of services, employment opportunities, education, etc. Within the Czech Republic, the Brno Metropolitan Area is one of the most strongly developing regions, the development of which needs to be systematically coordinated. Such a task is not at all a simple one. At the present time, there is no legislative framework in place to cover the administration of metropolitan areas, hence the coordination of activities in the territory takes place on a partnership principle and through the communication of the city of Brno with neighbouring municipalities.

Please find more detailed information on strategic planning at the level of the Brno Metropolitan Area in the brochures below.

Information relevant for the period 2021+:

Information relevant for the period 2014-2020: